the trifolio website

Trifolio srl, Stamperia in Montorio-Verona, is an artisanal-sized business that has been able to combine tradition and technological progress well, imposing itself on the international scene for the production of high quality Art books, while at the same time giving great prestige to a small town like Verona.

The proposal to take pictures for their site caught me with great enthusiasm, with the perhaps not well concealed idea of entering the rooms of magic. And it was all just so, I would like to say still so, the smell, the same as when I was a child. The shooting began, in awe of so much Beauty, all at once.

«Il fascino che esercita in me la visione di un libro risale alla mia infanzia e, senza troppo scomodare le madeleinette o il profumo del tè al tiglio, aggiungerei che la potenza di tutti quegli odori che ci portiamo dentro, spalanca porte e finestre al ricordo e alla nostalgia per rammentarci chi siamo stati e chi ora siamo, in un lampo irrazionale che si trasforma in immagini dal passato.

Quando andavo a far visita a Fidalma, una lontana parente custode nella sede di un Ente per la Promozione del Turismo in Italia, l’eccitazione che mi prendeva era quella di accedere agli archivi. Dovevo a tutti i costi entrare in quelle stanze e, scalpitando fino al capriccio, perché il più delle volte mi veniva proibito, prefiguravo la grande avventura che mi attendeva tra le luci fioche e polverose dei tubi al neon ormai consumati. E lì, in quel paradiso, ritrovavo ogni volta il dolce e inebriante odore di carta mescolato all’aspro della chimica di stampa; e in quell’odore, dispiegavo il desiderio di sfogliare tutte quelle pagine e di immaginarmi capace di leggerle…»

Antonella Iovino

the backgrounds

The book details were used for the backgrounds of the website. With the utmost care, all images were adjusted in post-processing to match each other at the top and bottom. As the user scrolls through the different sections describing Trifolio’s story, the images move easily and harmoniously in each direction.

the retouches

Book detail with color pigments

In general, I prefer to remain natural in my photographs. However, sometimes image compositions are necessary. Like this combination of the fine trifolio print in a book and the special color pigments they use.

visit the trifolio website


  1. Maggio 17, 2022

    This job was successful mainly because of your beautiful, stunning photos, Antonella. I knew I could count on you when Massimo asked me to do this web project. And I knew that it would be important to have good photos.

    Images that were meant to be more than skillful product photos, but rather to tell of the magic that these special books exude, which is the core of this concept. You did an excellent job. One can see the proof on this page. Thanks again!

    Stefan Seifert
    CEO Elementi Design

    • antonella iovino
      Marzo 30, 2023

      Thank you for your comment. Working with you was a fulfilling experience that paid off.

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